Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Children Yesterday, Children Today

Them Now
• Children now have access to computers, computer games, various perks of the I.T. and electronic world.
• More travelling experiences and opportunities; are able to experience different cultures
• They are given freedom of choice in more matters
• More freedom for self-expression
• Exposed to activities and resources that can develop and enhance their latent talents (driving them to achieve their dreams)
• Parents are generally more permissive with their children
• They have readier access to information and knowledge
• They are more world savvy

Us Then
 We were allowed the autonomy to go out and play by ourselves/independently
 We had more family time, close-bonding experiences (such things were not wealth-oriented)
 Quality time and recreation were more people-oriented; there was more communication involved
 Schedules were more appropriate for children rather than mimicking adult schedules
 We were given more responsibilities. Strengthened E.Q. and gave us ample opportunity to mature as human beings ada otak.
 Hence, we also grew independent more quickly.
 We became resourceful, imaginative and creative as we had to do with fairly limited resources. As the saying goes, "necessity is the mother of invention".
 Interacted with nature, solid hands-on materials and objects (e.g., trees, mud, junk) compared to the two-dimensional world of computers that children nowadays live in.
 Gave us lots of great memories
 We are generally healthier - the children nowadays are over-medicated, over-boiled and over-sanitised, and sicker. We played with the germs.
 Religious and moral education was stronger and happened on a consistent basis. There was more interaction with the elder members of the family or community.

~Saberah, Fadillah, Aqilah~

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