Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Improvised Lesson plan

Theme : Farm animals
Subject : Language/ environmental awareness /M & M/Art & craft
Level : 4 years old/nursery
Duration : 45 minutes

Objectives : - Children will be able to :
1. identify and name the farm animals.
2. identify sounds and imitate movements that the farm animals make.

Materials needed :
1. CD song - Old Macdonalds Farm song/or any other related songs
2. Feely bag with wool farm animals in it
3. For extension activity : prepared templates of farm animals
4. Varieties of art materials/recycled/crayons etc.

Tuning-In :
1. Teacher will get children to sing the song- Old Mac Donald Had a Farm.

Procedure :
1. Get children to sit in a circle.
2. Play a song and get the children to pass around the feely bag.
3.Once the music stops,the child that is holding on to the feely bag will have to
pick out one of the animals from the feely bag.
4. Teacher will prompt the rest of the children to name the animal and make
its sound encouraging them to imitate the movement of the animal.
5. Repeat this activity with rest of the children.

Closure :
1. Sing the Old Mac Donald song again,this time without the music.Children can use the wool animals to enhance the song .

Suggested extension activity :
1. Children can make farm animal masks from the prepared templates.
2. Teacher to encourage them to use various varieties of the materials.
3. Teacher can do dramatization once all the children have completed their

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