Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Lecture 20102010: Problems and Solutions

1.What is the problem?

- Miscommunication with people

2. What are the solutions for resolution of the problem? (with advantages and disadvantages)

- Approaching the person and being upfront/ Clarifying the matter (the Calm Approach)
Plus: Better chances of solving the conflict in a rational way most beneficial to both parties

Minus: Not everyone may be willing to be rational, or may like being approached at all

- Confrontation (the Waani Approach)
Plus: Can be very satisfying. It allows the party to voice out or stand up for themselves.

Minus: May worsen the conflict.

- Keeping quiet / ignoring

Plus: Does not cause any further conflict or open hostility. Minor problems may go away with time and without fussing over.

Minus: The silent party may be taken advantaged of/ or there may be unresolved problems and feelings leading to a build-up of tension and bad vibes

- Punching the person's daylights out

3. What is the best solution with supporting rationale?

- (a) analyse the situation (b) consider the pros and cons of each type of action (c) stay calm and level-headed as far as possible (d) carry out the action accordingly, and regardless of the outcome, best not to dwell on it.

4. Once a decision is reached on the best solution, when will you act on it?

- Immediately, ASAP, pronto. Settle the matter quickly before new problems breed from it.

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