We have small groups and big groups discussions in classroom. We inculcate islamic values in our curriculum. We also have set up learning centres in our classrooms to support our children's learning. Our curriculum is integrated with other subjects like Art & craft, Numeracy, Language arts as well as Science and discovery.
How has it affect our classroom setting & our teaching pedagogy?
Materials provided are related to the curriculum ( subjects, the themes).Children interact with the materials thus provide them with greater exploration. The environment setting are integrated with the theme, for example: theme: wild animals. So our tables, chairs as well as walls are decorated with animal and jungle like features.
What do we think are the roles that the adults play in the environment?
Adults act as a role model. A person that the children look upon to as an example.
Adult act as a facilitator. A person that scaffolds and guide the children in the learning process to bring up the children's ZPD.
Adult act as an encourager. A person that praises and prompts children in order to enrich their learning.
Adult as a diciple. A person who sets ground rules in the classroom.
Adult as a provider. A person who provides enough materials that are age appropriate for children to explore. This will be able to challenge every child's learning needs.
done by: Ana, Imah, Irah, Inah, Nat
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